Community Agreements

Community Agreements

Adopted from The Done For DiDi White Labor Collective

  • Take collective and individual ownership.

  • Attack the problem, not the person.

  • Progressive Stack to center & prioritize marginalized voices.

  • Take Space, Make Space.

  • Ouch and Oops.

  • No Quick Fix.

  • Assume best intentions*

    *with the awareness and knowledge of power structures such as white supremacy, white woman aggression, racism, class divide and hetero-normalcy and how they may affect/trigger other people.

  • Black people are not a monolith. This is life-long learning, multiple voices and experiences make up your education.

  • Don't Make Excuses.

  • You don’t know better than us. If you did, we wouldn’t need to say “follow Black leadership.”


Photo by Hari Nandakumar on Unsplash.